By John Harlow
The Dillon VFW Post 6091 announces the overseas deployment of its member Daniel Carmichael to the Republic of Djibouti located in Eastern Africa.
Army Staff Sergeant Daniel Carmichael is deploying with the Charleston Army National Guard, 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, for a year. He expects to be in-country by July.

On June 17th, the deploying soldiers gathered at The Citadel in Charleston for a National Guard sendoff ceremony. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley attended to see her husband, Major Michael Haley, and the other soldiers head off for Texas’ Fort Cavazos before going to Djibouti to participate in Operation Enduring Freedom throughout the Horn of Africa. Staff Sergeant Carmichael is the son of Army Retired Lieutenant Colonel Charlie and Linda Lee Carmichael, and the grandson of the late Retired Army Command Sergeant Major Charles and Sara Lee of Dillon.
When not drilling in Charleston or on active duty with the National Guard, he is a corporal with the Francis Marion University Police Department.
The Dillon VFW recognized Staff Sergeant Carmichael at its June meeting singing the Army service song and with an Army birthday (June 14th) cake as part of its program agenda. Post Commander John Harlow thanked Staff Sergeant Carmichael for his past and continued service to America in the Army National Guard and for being a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Persons interested in writing letters of support to Staff Sergeant Carmichael or to any member of the 218th MEB can send them C/O Dillon VFW Post 6091 Quartermaster at 214 Stewart Street in Dillon SC 29536 Marked Staff Sergeant Daniel Carmichael or Any Soldier 218th MEB

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