Mount Calvary Baptist Church held the AWANA Clubs closing ceremony on Sunday, July 9, at 6:00 p.m.
AWANA Clubs Director Keith Coward welcomed everyone and had the opening prayer.
The service was as follows:
AWANA Bees & Cubbies Awards:
1. Andrew Campbell received a participation ribbon and certificate.
2. Braxtyn George received a participation ribbon and certificate.
3. Solace Hamilton received a participation ribbon and certificate.
AWANA Cubbies:
1. Reid Bostic completed 9 sections in his Honeycomb handbook and received a participation certificate and ribbon.
2. Megan Byrd completed 19 sections in her Honeycomb handbook and received a participation certificate and ribbon.
3. Jackson Gibbs completed 9 sections in his Honeycomb handbook and received a participation certificate and ribbon.
4. Michaela Griffey completed 5 sections in her Honeycomb handbook and received a participation certificate and ribbon.
5. Ella Haselden completed 14 sections in her Honeycomb handbook and received a participation certificate and ribbon.
6. Autumn Huggins completed 7 sections in her Honeycomb handbook and received a participation certificate and ribbon.
7. KJ Price completed 6 sections in his Honeycomb handbook and received a participation certificate and ribbon.
8. Scarlet Price completed 17 sections in her honeycomb handbook and received a participation certificate and ribbon.
Some of the Sparks recited their favorite verse and part of AWANA they enjoyed the most while on stage while receiving their awards.
1. Benton Bethea completed his Skystormer book and received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this in one year. Benton moves up to T&T in the new AWANA year.
2. Eliza Jo Bostic completed her HangGlider book, all review sections, and her frequent flyer book. She received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this in one year.
3. Brayden Hasty completed his WingRunner book and 3 review sections. He received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this in one year.
4. Carson Hodge completed his WingRunner book. He received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this in one year.
5. Lily Smith completed her HangGlider book and all review sections and received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this is in one year.
6. Rayleigh Strickland: Completed her Flight 3:16 book and will receive a participation certificate
7. Landry Walters received a participation certificate.
8. Colton Campbell completed his HangGlider book & 15 sections from his review. He received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this in one year. Colton also finished third in points in Sparks and received a third place ribbon! Congratulations, Colton!
9. Meredith Campbell completed her HangGlider Book, all Review sections, and her Frequent Flyer book and received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this in one year. Meredith also came in second in points for Sparks and received a second place ribbon! Congratulations, Meredith!
10. Tristan George completed his Wingrunner Book, all review sections, and his Frequent Flyer book and received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this in one year. Tristan also came in first place in points in Sparks and received a first place ribbon! Congratulations, Tristan!
Some of the Sparks recited their favorite verse and part of AWANA they enjoy the most while on stage receiving their awards.
1. Alyssa Ford received a participation certificate.
2. Cody Bass received a participation certificate.
3. Addison Pernel received a participation certificate.
4. Nicholas Prevo received a participation certificate.
5. Nolan Barnes completed 19 sections in his Grace in Action book and received a participation certificate.
6. Kayleigh Bostic completed 13 sections and 11 silver/gold extra credit sections in her Grace in Action book. She received a participation certificate.
7. Sierra Fronerberger completed 14 sections of her Grace in Action book plus 11 silver/gold extra credits. She received a participation certificate.
8. Grayson Griffey completed 5 sections of his Grace in Action book and received a participation certificate.
9. Lexie Haselden completed her Agents of Grace book plus 15 silver/gold credits and received a participation certificate and a trophy for completing this in one year.
10. Meredith Hodge completed 6 sections of her Grace in Agent book plus 4 silver/gold extra credit and received a participation certificate.
11. Ava Huggins completed 10 sections plus 12 silver/gold extra credit units of her Grace in Action book and received a participation certificate.
12. Avery McKenzie completed 14 sections plus 15 silver/gold extra credit units of her Evidence of Grace book and received a participation certificate.
13. Carson McKenzie completed 7 sections plus 14 silver/gold extra credit units for her Agents of Grace book and received a participation certificate.
14. Eli Meekins completed 14 sections plus 19 silver/gold extra credit units for his Evidence of Grace book and received a participation certificate.
15. Brianna Swindler completed her Agents of Grace book plus 27 silver/gold extra credit units and received a participation certificate & trophy for completing this in one year. She also came third place in T&T points and received a third place ribbon. Congratulations, Brianna!
16. Edeigh Walters completed her Agents of Grace book and ALL of her Silver/Gold extra credit units and received a participation certificate and trophy for completing this in one year. She also came second in T&T points and will receive a second place ribbon. Congratulations, Edeigh!
17. Kase Coward completed his Grace in Action Book and ALL of his silver land gold extra credit units and received a participation certificate and a trophy for completing this in one year. Kase was also first in points and received a first place ribbon! Congratulations, Kase!
Recognition of workers:
The Kitchen Crew consisted of Jeff Tanner, Bobbie Lee, Debbie Hill, Jimmy Tanner, and Terry Webster.
The AWANA Bees/Cubbie Leaders were Edna Daniels, Celeste Campbell, Kristi Grant, Candace George, Kathryn Griffey, and Bobby Meekins.
The Sparks Leaders were Leslie Miller, Kim Tanner, Frannie Campbell, and D’Anna Tanner.
The T&T Leaders were Eric Miller, Genesis Anderson, Lily Hulon, Angie Arnette, Lisa Driggers, Tammie Cooke, and Carla Meekins.
In charge of the Games were Brent Hasty and Andrew Campbell.
The AWANA Director & his trusty sidekick: Keith and Brooke Coward.
A Song with Maddy Miller and Chayse Walters plus the youth directors and some other members was well received by those in attendance.
Savannah Miller gave her Testimony.
AWANA Year closing remarks were by AWANA Director Keith Coward with Ceremony Closing Remarks and Prayer by Preacher Harold Cooke.