By John Harlow
The Dillon County Veteran of the Year Organization (DCVOYO) will hold its annual Patriot Day ceremony on the steps of the Dillon County Courthouse on Monday, 9/11 at 9 a.m. Patriot Day is observed each year in remembrance to all those who were injured, and the 2,977 killed from the 4 coordinated terrorist attacks at the Twin Towers in NYC, the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and a field outside Shanksville PA on 9/11/2001. The deadliest foreign attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor. In Dillon on this 9/11, as has been the practice for the past 22 years, the DCVOYO invites our citizenry to gather at the steps of our courthouse to remember the events of 9/11/2001 and those injured or killed. First responders were so very important to saving lives that day and even themselves became victims. Remembering them, the Dillon program on 9/11 will recognize and honor local first responders from law enforcement, the fire department, and EMTs. Dillon Mayor Tally McColl will speak from the steps of the courthouse about the importance of remembering the events of 9/11/2001 and especially the lives lost, and the families that were changed forever. Mayor McColl will assist in placing a Memorial Wreath on the courthouse steps. Commander Lloyd Brown of the DCVOYO will welcome all attending and open the program with remarks about that infamous day on 9/11/2001. DCVOYO Chaplain Bobby McLean will lead all in prayer as we come together on this September day that changed America forever in 2001.