The City of Dillon held their monthly council meeting on Monday, April 8 at the City-County Complex. Mayor Tally McColl called the meeting to order, and led by The Pledge of Allegiance.
Pastor Jeffery Pompey, Pastor at Living for Christ Ministries, Dillon, S.C. led the Invocation.
The following council members were present: Councilman Timothy Cousar, Councilman Douglas Jackson, Councilman Phil Wallace, Councilman James “Bobie” Washington, Councilman Jay David, and Mayor Tally McColl.
Motion was made by Mayor McColl for approval of minutes from March 11, 2024 regular council meeting. The motion was approved.
Mayor Tally McColl gave his Mayor’s Report. He feels March was a good month for the City of Dillon for raising awarness and signed proclamations for several events. The mayor was pleased with the St. Patrick’s Day event held at the fountain and thanked Lisa Moody, City of Dillon Coordinator, Dillon Police Department, and Public Works for all of their hard work. Mayor McColl, along with county officials visited U.S. Representative Russell Fry to discuss matters relating to the county and city. Mayor McColl and Officer Christopher Zeller, with City of Dillon Police Department, attended the Pastor Alliance Job Fair. The mayor reminded everyone that Celebrate Main will be held Saturday, April 27, 2024, and there will be a National Day of Prayer May 2, 2024 at noon at the steps of the courthouse.
Glen Wagner gave the City Manager’s Report. He advised the new City of Dillon website is Mr. Wagner said they received approval to join the Silver Sneakers program. This is a program offered by certain insurance companies to cover wellness center membership fees. He advised seniors can contact City of Dillon for more information. Wagner spoke about tackle football for ages 9-10. Registration will begin next week until the middle of May. Lastly, Mr. Wagner advised the Splash Pad at the wellness Center will open the first weekend in May. They also have the play area and benches with canopies.
Janet Bethea gave the Finance Report for the City of Dillon General Funds, Hospitality Tax Fund, Storm Water Fund, City of Dillon Golf Course Fund, American Rescue Plan, and City of Dillon Water/Sewer Fund.
Sally Harrison with Donate Life, S.C. spoke about the month of April being National Donate Life. Donate Life is working to increase the number of organs, eyes, and tissues to save lives. Ms. Harrison is three years post kidney transplant and is very grateful to the person who chose to donate their organs and how it made a significant impact in her life.
Mayor McColl moved into old business.
•Ordinance #24-04 – Annex Smith Rogers Oil Company, Inc. the owner of a tract of land located at the North of the 100 block of Radford Blvd., Dillon into the city limits and be zoned B-2 – 2nd Reading –motion accepted and approved.
•Ordinance #24-05 – Annex East Empire Holding, LLC the owner of tracts of land located at 1422 Wix Road, Dillon into the City limits of Dillon and be zoned I-2 – 2nd Reading – motion accepted and approved.
•Ordinance #24-06 – To Exempt Property taxes for Project Sun Bright for Five years – 2nd Reading – motion accepted and approved.
New Business
Resolution #04-24 – Acknowledging the City of Dillon’s commitment to a safe workplace-all in favor-approved.
Councilmembers Report.
Councilman Jay David discussed wire covering and transition lines laying on the ground and advised there are a lot of wire covers on the ground on Hwy 301 near The Dillon Herald office. He was advised Spectrum has been notified. Mr. David spoke about inflation issues. Next, Councilman David asked about the Police Department Project. Chief David Lane advised they were having a meeting to get a precise date. Chief Lane said the elevator will be delivered May 30th, and June 28th is the date they advised him the elevator will be complete. He spoke to the site foreman, and beginning April 9th, every employee with Gilbert Construction should be on site working. HVAC, plumbing, and electric are complete.
Councilman Wallace spoke about some stray dogs in the city.
Mr. Wagner advised Duke Energy is going to change the lights downtown with LED’s. Mr. Wagner also stated they are going to put up new signs stating no weapons on any government property. The Council also discussed illegal parking.
Pastor Jeffery Pompey ended the meeting with a closing prayer before the councilman went into Executive Session.
City of Dillon 4/8/2024 Council Meeting
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