Contributed Story
Dillon Mayor Tally McColl, along with Sheriff Jamie Hamilton, Dillon County Councilman Robbie Coward, and Mary McDaniel with the Humane Society of Dillon County have joined forces to assist Dillon County citizens with the rising costs of feeding their pets. Through the Humane Society’s alliance with the Humane Society of South Carolina and the Humane Society of the United States, they have been able to arrange a massive pet food give-a-way.
Chewy.com is an international business which distributes a wide variety of pet products. Chewy.com acknowledges that feeding pets gets very expensive, and that oftentimes owners must make the difficult choice of relinquishing ownership to the County Shelter. Hopefully, this donation of Chewy pet products will alleviate this problem, at least temporarily.
Mayor McColl has proclaimed the week of June 3-6 as “Save Our Pets Week”, and a distribution of pet food and products will be held Monday, June 3, 2024, on the Bethea Lot beside the City of Dillon Visitor Center in downtown Dillon. The time of distribution will be from 4:00pm-6:00pm. Citizens will be limited to two large items, but the distribution is NOT based on income or residence. Give-a-ways will also be held in Latta and Lake View at a later date.
For more information contact Mary McDaniel at 843-487-7592 or Tandmer@aol.com