DHSF To Meet Jan. 6th
Members of the Dillon Historic School Foundation will meet Tuesday, January 6, in the conference room of the Chamber of Commerce. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.
Members of the Dillon Historic School Foundation will meet Tuesday, January 6, in the conference room of the Chamber of Commerce. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met a King’s Pizza Monday, December 1, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. for their Christmas Social. Eleven members were present.
The Glove and Trowel Garden Club held their annual Christmas Social and Dinner Party.
The following is a Q&A with the DHSF (Dillon Historic School Foundation).
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Our hostess, Mildred Mishue, welcomed us in her beautifully decorated home.
The Ann Fulmore Harlee Chapter of The United Daughters of the Confederacy met November 13, 2014 at the home of Mrs. Craig Stephens.
The October meeting of the Magnolia Garden Club was hosted by Belva Greene on October 9th.
Fay Sloan and Mattie Strickland represented the Ann Fulmore Harllee Chapter at the annual South Carolina Division Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy on October 9-11 at the Clarion Hotel in Columbia, South Carolina. President Mary Armstrong presided over the two day meeting.
The Lake View High School Junior Beta Club recently sponsored a school-wide service learning project to collect food and supplies for the local animal shelter.
The Lake View High School Chapter of the National Beta Club held its annual induction ceremony on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, at the Lake View Community Center.