Mission Accomplished

Poverty in one country such as America (in 2011, $22,350 for a family of four) would translate to middle class or higher in many other countries in the world, Haiti being the most notable example (Some 55% of Haiti’s 9 million people live below the poverty line of US$1 a day.)

A Happy Disposition

No one enters community residential care without a cause usually for health reasons but occasionally there is a need for some type of supervisory care when there is no one left in the family to provide it; therefore there needs to be an address change.


This event never happened at least it did not happen as portrayed here, but sometimes a little tinkering with the truth can add to a story. It’s not that the changes are completely intentional but after hearing the story told several weeks ago and then only in passing, the details are somewhat foggy, but that is no problem even if the facts have faded. Improvise.


Too often panic comes suddenly, and you do not have any time to prepare for it such as a split second occurrence, for example you drop something fragile and are paralyzed momentarily because you instantly realize that there is nothing you can do to avoid its breaking.

Rite Of Passage

A rite of passage marks a transition from one level of maturity to another, for example in early tribal societies, a rite of passage might have been when a boy was considered to have become a man, when his skills were developed to a near adult level, perhaps when he first spent time in the wilderness with only his skills to enable him to survive.

No Excuse, Sir

The statement “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” is justified because without it, there would always be a convenient excuse for those who for whatever reason ignore the law. But are there exceptions?